172 女性の健康に関する重要な洞察


  1. オフラインで医師のアドバイスを求めることが依然として最良の方法です.
  2. 明らかな不快感や持続的な症状がある場合, できるだけ早く救急外来を受診することをお勧めします.
  3. オンライン相談は効率が低いだけでなく、セキュリティ上のリスクも伴います. 慎重にお選びください.
  4. オンライン相談を選択する場合, 個人情報や個人情報を確実に保護することが重要です.
  5. 乳房の問題は婦人科の範囲外です; これらは通常、乳房の健康または一般外科に該当します。.
  6. 婦人科疾患のうちセクシュアリティに関係するのは一部のみ; 性歴がなくても婦人科系の問題を発症する可能性はあります.
  7. 婦人科系の炎症は急性から慢性に移行する可能性があります, しかし、通常は癌に変化することはありません.
  8. 評判の良い病院の婦人科では、通常、膣洗浄などの治療は行われません。, 灌漑, 赤色光療法, またはオゾン療法.
  9. 病院によっては、教材に古い情報が含まれている場合があります。; 注意してお読みください.
  10. 診察中に男性医師に不快感を感じた場合, 診察室の変更や予約のキャンセルも安心して行えます.
  11. 男性医師は診察時に同性の第三者の立ち会いを義務付ける, 典型的には女性看護師.
  12. 症状がなくても, 定期的に検査を受けることをお勧めします HPV, TCT, そして婦人科超音波検査.
  13. 新しいガイドラインでは乳房の自己検査は推奨されなくなりました; 定期的な乳房超音波検査が推奨されるようになりました.
  14. カモノハシ鏡は婦人科の検査でよく使われます, with the medium size being the default choice.
  15. There are three types of gynecological ultrasound: abdominal (with a full bladder), rectal, and vaginal.
  16. Radiating examinations include X-rays, CT scans, PET-CT scans, 等.
  17. Seeking medical advice involves choosing a trustworthy doctor as a partner to address or overcome diseases.

Gynecological Infections

  1. Having no sexual activity doesn’t guarantee immunity from gynecological infections; it just lowers the probability.
  2. Some gynecological infections are associated with factors like underwear, bedding, menstrual products, and hygiene habits.
  3. In the absence of symptoms, it’s not advisable to artificially intervene in the vaginal microbiome environment.
  4. Common types of vaginal infections include bacterial, fungal, and trichomonal infections.
  5. The type of vaginal infection cannot be determined by the naked eye; 医師は正確な診断のために膣分泌物を定期的に検査する必要があります.
  6. 正常なおりものは動的であり、固定された外観や色を持ちません。.
  7. 黄色っぽい, 粘着性のある, または、おりものの増加は必ずしも膣感染症を示しているわけではありません.
  8. 膣および外陰部の感染症の症状にはかゆみが含まれます, 赤み, 灼熱感, そして痛み.
  9. 炎症の診断は主に患者の症状と検査結果に基づいて行われます。; 色や匂いは単なる補助的なものです.
  10. 外生殖器にはバルトリン腺があります; 不適切な衛生状態はバルトリン腺の炎症や膿瘍の形成につながる可能性があります.
  11. 子宮頸部の慢性/軽度の炎症は正常であり、多くの場合、治療や心配は必要ありません。.
  12. 骨盤液の存在は必ずしも骨盤炎症性疾患を示すわけではありません; 症状は診断にとって重要です.
  13. 多くの骨盤炎症性疾患は検査中に誘発されます; ストレス下ではどこにでも優しさを感じることができる.
  14. 骨盤液の正常な深さは以下です 3 cm; 超える 3 cmは症状によって異なります.
  15. 女性は尿路感染症になりやすい; 清潔を保ち、水分補給を続けることをお勧めします.
  16. マイコプラズマ 正常な膣微生物叢の 1 つです; 陽性結果が出ても必ずしも治療が必要なわけではない.
  17. 再発する婦人科感染症には、地固め療法とともに適切かつ完全な治療が必要です.


  1. “子宮頸部びらん” 病気ではないので治療の必要はありません; この用語は教科書から削除されました.
  2. の科学用語 “子宮頸部びらん” 子宮頸管異所症です, これは正常な生理現象です.
  3. に基づいて処方された薬または治療計画 “子宮頸部びらん” should be approached with caution.
  4. In gynecology, the focus on HPV mainly pertains to high-risk types affecting mucous membranes; other types are classified under dermatology.
  5. High-risk HPV infections are primarily associated with sexual contact, and the probability of indirect transmission is extremely low.
  6. Current medical technology cannot trace the specific source and time of HPV infection in patients.
  7. There are usually no symptoms after infection with high-risk HPV, so regular screening is recommended.
  8. Due to the inability to cultivate HPV outside the body, there is currently no specific treatment for HPV.
  9. Infection with high-risk HPV alone does not require treatment but necessitates TCT examination and follow-up according to medical advice.
  10. After infection with high-risk HPV, there is a 70% に 80% 自発的クリアランスの確率 1 に 2 年.
  11. HPV 感染が治癒する可能性と期間は、さまざまな個別要因の影響を受けます。.
  12. 子宮頸部病変または子宮頸がんの大部分は HPV 型に関連しています 16 そして 18, 細心の注意が必要な.
  13. HPV型検査で陽性反応が出た後 16 そして 18, コルポスコピー生検が推奨されます.
  14. 子宮頸部病変を診断するためのゴールドスタンダードは病理学的生検です, 目視検査ではない, TCT, またはコルポスコピー.
  15. 性行為歴問わず, 世界保健機関はHPVに対する早期ワクチン接種を奨励しています.
  16. ワクチン接種前のHPV検査は必要ありません, でもワクチン接種後, 定期的なHPV検査が推奨されます.
  17. 現在, HPVワクチンは二価ワクチンとして利用可能です, 四価, および9価の形態; 最適なものを受け取ることをお勧めします.


  1. 現在, を伴う避妊方法はありません。 100% 成功率; 自分に合った方法を選ぶと良いでしょう.
  2. 無防備な性的接触は性感染症を伝染させるリスクを伴います (性感染症).
  3. 無防備な性的接触の後, 術前に速やかに8種感染症、4種感染症検査を受けることが重要です。.
  4. HIV感染の疑いが強い場合, 疾病管理センターで暴露後予防策を申請することをお勧めします。.
  5. 現在, 性感染症を防ぐ唯一の避妊法はコンドームの使用です.
  6. コンドームの避妊成功率は次のとおりです。 75% そして 98%, メソッドの適切な使用と密接に関係しています.
  7. コンドームは大きめのサイズも用意されています, 中くらい, そして小さいサイズ, そして適切なサイズを選ぶことが重要です.
  8. 短時間作用型避妊薬 not only prevent pregnancy (その周り 99%) but also have therapeutic effects.
  9. It is preferable to take short-acting contraceptives at the same time every day.
  10. The effective period of contraceptive implants is 3 に 5 年.
  11. Contraceptive patches are a common method (91% に 99%), mainly relying on the absorption of estrogen and progestin through the skin.
  12. Male sterilization has lower risk, cost, and faster recovery compared to female sterilization.
  13. So-calledliquid condomsnot only have a high failure rate but also increase the risk of disease transmission.
  14. Emergency contraceptive pills are a remedial measure after the failure of regular contraceptive methods.
  15. Emergency contraceptive pills should be taken within 72 時間, and the later they are taken, the less effective they become.
  16. Precumor pre-ejaculate fluid may contain a small amount of sperm, そして妊娠の可能性もある.
  17. 避妊のために離脱方法に依存することは、医療専門家によって安全ではないと考えられています.
  18. 従来の避妊法を使用していない場合, 偶発妊娠とは考えられない.


  1. 見た目や色にこだわるのではなく、, 私たちは臓器の正常な構造と機能に関心を持つべきです.
  2. 最初の性交渉では出血が起こらないこともあります, しかし、その存在は破裂や感染症のリスクの増加を示しています.
  3. 初めての経験は不快な感覚を伴うことが多い; コミュニケーションと信号を送ることが不可欠です “停止” 必要に応じて.
  4. 初めてでも、それ以降でも, 清潔さと保護に注意することが重要です.
  5. 挿入の困難は、膣のけいれんまたは構造的な発達異常が原因である可能性があります.
  6. 処女膜 (commonly known as thevirginity membrane”) has openings before menstruation, facilitating the flow of menstrual blood.
  7. The labia minora are usually closed in everyday life, effectively protecting the vagina from external influences.
  8. Most people’s labia minora are asymmetrical, and if it doesn’t impact daily life or work, there’s no need for intervention.
  9. Leg-crossing behavior in young girls between 2 そして 4 years old often continues into adulthood for many.
  10. There’s no specific restriction on the frequency of masturbation as long as it doesn’t affect life and work; it can be arranged as desired.
  11. Whether using tools or hands, it is advisable to practice cleanliness and protection before masturbation.
  12. Individual needs fluctuate and are uncertain at different stages and states.
  13. The vagina is usually in a closed state, becoming semi-open after congestion.
  14. Insertive sexual activity is not the only way and should not be the default; alternatives should be explored.
  15. The clitoris has a head and legs, with the legs running along the sides of the vagina, and it can be stimulated by insertive activities.
  16. The existence of the G-spot is currently a subject of debate in the academic community, and it’s not necessary to actively pursue it; personal experiences should be prioritized.
  17. Only 25% of women experience vaginal orgasms.
  18. Approximately 75% of women can achieve clitoral orgasms, which are also easier to attain.
  19. について 25% of women may never experience any form of orgasm in their lifetime.
  20. 33% of women may fake orgasms (possibly higher), and their partners may be unaware.
  21. There are various types of sexual desire disorders that require professional diagnosis; self-diagnosis is not recommended.
  22. Female ejaculation (“squirting”) is essentially urinary incontinence since the bladder is the only organ capable of storing a significant amount of fluid.
  23. The termwetnessis often the secretion of Bartholin’s glands.
  24. A considerable number of women prefer foreplay, and some may even exclusively enjoy it.
  25. Compared to length, women tend to favor girth and hardness, with skills and communication being equally important.
  26. Sexual tightness is reciprocal; if someone mentions you are loose, it might be their issue.
  27. The duration should be satisfactory for both parties; excessively long durations can strain the throat and test acting skills, while overly short durations require prompt medical attention.
  28. オーラルセックスは病気を媒介する可能性もあり、適切な衛生状態が必要です; 歯科用ダムの使用をお勧めします.
  29. 肛門性交は破裂を引き起こす可能性があります, 膿瘍, または括約筋の弛緩または涙.
  30. “飲酒による間違い” 多くの場合、アルコールによって誘発された勇気によって計画的な行動が引き起こされる.
  31. 陰毛に関する具体的な推奨事項はありません; 個人は好きなように保存するか削除するかを選択できます.
  32. 膣ガスの排出は正常な現象です, 通常は臓器の不完全な適合によって引き起こされます, 空気が入ることを可能にする.


  1. 生理はただの生理です; そうではない “フローおばさん,” ない “月のその時期,” 不運ではありません.
  2. 正常な総月経量の範囲は次のとおりです。 5 mLから 80 mL, ほとんどの人はこの間に陥る 20 mLと 60 mL.
  3. 月経周期は常に一定ではありません 28 日; 間隔が一定である限り, それは定期的であると考えることができます.
  4. If the total menstrual volume is less than 5 mL, it is considered too little, and the underlying cause should be investigated.
  5. If the total menstrual volume exceeds 80 mL, it is considered excessive, and anemia and the underlying cause should be monitored.
  6. Both too little and too much menstrual flow require examination of hormone levels and gynecological ultrasound.
  7. It is normal for the menstrual blood, once outside the body, to appear dark and clot; it is not a sign of toxicity or cold.
  8. Dysmenorrhea is divided into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea, with the latter requiring further investigation into the underlying cause.
  9. Primary dysmenorrhea is related to prostaglandins, and there are ways to alleviate it without enduring the pain.
  10. Methods to relieve primary dysmenorrhea include: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), short-acting contraceptives, and heat conduction.
  11. Components of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and etoricoxib, among others.
  12. Warm water and heat pads can help alleviate dysmenorrhea by increasing the metabolism of prostaglandins.
  13. Weight gain during menstruation may be related to water and sodium retention.
  14. Whether it’s okay to eat popsicles, drink cold beverages, or take baths during menstruation is something to be experimented with individually.
  15. Medications can be used to postpone menstruation, but it is necessary to start at least 2 weeks in advance and follow medical advice.


  1. Pregnancy is just one choice in life; it is not a mandatory path.
  2. Before deciding to get pregnant, it is advisable for both partners to understand relevant knowledge about pregnancy and parenting.
  3. The so-calledoptimal childbearing ageis essentially the best age for anything you do.
  4. Both partners should quit smoking and drinking, including e-cigarettes, before attempting to conceive.
  5. Posterior uterine position does not necessarily affect pregnancy; only an extreme forward tilting position may have an impact.
  6. Elevating the hips for 10-15 minutes after intercourse can assist sperm in entering the uterine cavity.
  7. Most couples conceive within one year of trying, with the average being 4-6 months.
  8. の概念 “protecting the fetusis pseudo; a healthy embryo doesn’t need protection.
  9. Morning sickness usually occurs between 6 そして 16 weeks of pregnancy, but some may experience it beyond 20 weeks.
  10. Everyday items such as phones, WiFi, induction cookers, and printers do not emit (ionizing) radiation.
  11. Pregnant women can drink coffee during pregnancy; it is recommended to limit it to the amount in a latte (around 250ml).
  12. Eating certain foods during pregnancy is unlikely to change the baby’s skin color; genetics play a more significant role.
  13. The physiological gender of the fetus is determined at the formation of the fertilized egg.
  14. Many postnatal traits and qualities are closely related to genetics.
  15. Pregnant women can eat crab as long as it’s cooked.
  16. It is not recommended to challenge oneself with new foods during pregnancy.
  17. The decision to perform an episiotomy is generally made by a midwife.
  18. Not everyone needs an episiotomy.
  19. It is essential to discuss with the doctor the possibility of painless childbirth before delivery.
  20. Regardless of having an epidural or not, postpartum back pain is common.
  21. The anesthesia used during a cesarean section does not affect the intelligence of the child.
  22. Pregnancy itself carries risks during intercourse; both partners should carefully consider the risks.
  23. Most women experience pelvic floor muscle relaxation after childbirth.
  24. For postpartum conditions such as vaginal relaxation and urinary incontinence, attempting Kegel exercises is recommended.
  25. Note: It’s Kegel exercises, not Tengger exercises or Enger exercises.
  26. Kegel exercises typically show results after two months; if ineffective, medical consultation is needed.
  27. Sitting the monthis referred to aspostpartum carein modern medicine.
  28. The evaluation criteria for postpartum care are whether the mother is comfortable and healthy, with both aspects requiring consideration.
  29. 産後の母親の心理状態には細心の注意を払う必要がある, 身体と精神の両方の健康を確保する.


  1. 乾燥と清潔を維持するために、外性器を毎晩真水で洗うことをお勧めします。, フラッシングやダウシングを避ける.
  2. 水をたくさん飲みましょう, 頻繁に排尿する, 長時間座ることを避ける, 炎症の可能性を減らすために、過度にきつい下着の着用を控えてください。.
  3. 毎日の食生活の変化が分泌物の臭いに影響を与える可能性は非常に低いです。, 通路が分かれているので.
  4. のような概念を裏付ける強力な証拠はありません。 “似たものを似たもので扱う” または “カラーセラピー。”
  5. “湿気” 火葬によってのみ追放できる.
  6. の概念 “子宮の風邪” それは後から開発された疑似アイデアです.
  7. 子宮, 卵巣, 外性器, 等, メンテナンスを必要としない.
  8. Pigment deposition in the intimate area is normal under normal hormone levels and is unrelated to sexual experiences.
  9. 月経, sweating, enemas, and cleansing the intestines are not methods ofdetoxification.
  10. The effectiveness of brown sugar water for relieving menstrual pain depends mainly on the hot water used.
  11. Most of the health supplements available in the market cater to pseudo-demands.
  12. The best way to prevent skin aging is to use sunscreen.
  13. Excessive sugar intake can affect the condition of the skin.
  14. Bird’s nest, gelatin, flower gum, 等, have no proven benefits.
  15. The probability of spreading sexually transmitted diseases through shared toilets, washing machines, 等, is extremely low.
  16. Underwear and socks can be washed together, but it is advisable to add disinfectant for better hygiene.

Other Gynecological Diseases

  1. Four major gynecological emergencies: ruptured corpus luteum, ectopic pregnancy, torsion of ovarian cyst pedicle, and acute 骨盤炎症性疾患.
  2. Ruptured corpus luteum usually occurs about 1 week before the next menstrual period and is often related to vigorous exercise.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy typically occurs around 6 weeks after the last menstrual period.
  4. Torsion of the ovarian cyst pedicle typically occurs when there is an existing cyst, and intense physical activity triggers it.
  5. Ovarian cyst torsion often involves a dermoid cyst, and it is unrelated to having twins.
  6. Surgery is not always necessary for ovarian cysts; for example, functional cysts can be observed.
  7. If an ovarian cyst is detected during a checkup, it is usually recommended to have a follow-up gynecological ultrasound after the next menstrual period.
  8. Diseases like uterine fibroids are challenging to eliminate through medication once they are established.
  9. Localized whitening, rupture, and bleeding of the skin in the external genital area may be indicative of lichen sclerosus.
  10. If there is bleeding during the ovulation period for three consecutive menstrual cycles, prompt medical attention is advised.


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