Condoms are the essential “gear” for experienced individuals, serving as an intimate garment for genitalia and a source of excitement in intimate moments.
Tuttavia, daringly speculating, 90% of people are unaware of these unconventional condoms! Since childhood, we’ve been conditioned to believe that anything related to sex is shameful, hidden, and not to be discussed openly. Consequently, we tend to keep it discreet and private.
But compared to the numerous ads for painless abortions, sifilide, and surrogacy, is condom knowledge really more discreet, more hidden, and more shrouded in secrecy? The answer is likely no. Oggi, let me introduce you to these unconventional condoms!
Type 1: Preservativi femminili

The concept of female condoms was proposed by Danish doctor Lasse Hessel in the 1980s, and now, there are well-developed products. These condoms are usually made of polyurethane, less likely to cause allergies, and have higher strength. They look somewhat similar to male condoms but are larger (about twice the size) with a length of approximately 15-17 centimeters.
Female condoms have two rings at both ends, with an outer ring diameter of about 7 centimeters and an inner ring diameter of about 5-6 centimeters. Proper use can result in a contraceptive effectiveness of about 95%, but due to incorrect usage, the actual effectiveness is around 79%.
The significance of these condoms lies in giving women the agency in contraceptive decisions. Tuttavia, their popularity is relatively low due to the fear of insertion, and their usage is more complex, making them less commonly available.
Usage: Place the outer ring outside the vagina to prevent slipping during intercourse, and the inner ring should be positioned at the bottom of the vagina to secure the condom’s position.
Type 2: Diga bocca/dentale

Although “blowjobs” won’t lead to pregnancy, it can easily lead to infections.
Sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, sifilide, genital herpes, and HPV can be transmitted through oral sex.
Conventional condoms may have a rubbery taste and contain oils, affecting the experience. Using oral sex dam is a better option.
Note that oral sex mouth/dental dam cannot replace regular condoms for contraception.
Type 3: Preservativi per le dita

People using these cots are likely meticulous in their daily lives! For intimate moments, finger cots not only isolate bacteria on the hands but also provide ample lubrication, making arousal easier!
The usage of finger cots is straightforward; trim your nails before wearing and squeeze out the air inside.
Apart from the standard latex material, there are finger cots made of silicone. Silicone finger cots often have a more pronounced surface design for additional stimulation and can be reused after cleaning and drying.
Ovviamente, there are also finger cots specifically designed for men, with the main difference being a larger size.
Other Unconventional Condoms
Liquid Condoms:

These are essentially spermicidal agents, such as Nonoxynol-9, which has a spermicidal effect. Tuttavia, their use is not recommended due to their low success rate and potential side effects.
Anti-Violence Condoms:

Upgraded condoms with triangular spikes inside, causing intense pain to the aggressor and eliminating any sexual interest. It is said that once hooked, the only solution is to undergo surgical removal at a hospital.
Insomma, whether you want to avoid pregnancy or prevent the transmission of diseases, always use a condom—no exceptions.